Research Infrastructure Support Group

Welcome newcomers and seasoned users!

The Research Infrastructure Support Group (RISG) can provide technical advice as well as assistance and support for your research information technology needs both at Steward Observatory and University-wide. Please submit a ticket to and let us know how we can assist you. 
For News and Updates please VISIT HERE
Useful FAQs can be found here.


RISG is offering on-line  support via Zoom every Wednesday between 10am-12:00pm


Computational Facilities

Along with all University of Arizona faculty and staff, Steward has access to world-class high-performance computing facilities. High-Performance Computing resources are managed by UITS and are available at

Meet our Team

RISG ( supports and works collaboratively with all three communities of Steward Observatory: staff, faculty, and students. The members of the RISGare:

Alexander Danehy (Web Developer/Programmer)
    (520) 621-7654

Nick Hegge (Computing Analyst II)
    (520) 626-8218

Joe Pawlicki (System Administrator III)
    (520) 621-7654

Kiriaki Xiluri-Lauria (Head of the RISG group)
    (520) 626-1582

Research Infrastructure Support Advisory Committee

Andras Gaspar

Gurtina Besla

Jared Males
    (520) 626-3900

Chi-Kwan Chan
    (520) 621-9532

Some useful links maintained by the RISG follow

Please let us know how we can help you by submitting a request through this web portal: