Weizhe Liu

Weizhe Liu

JASPER Scholar
Ph.D. , 2022, University of Maryland

Areas of Interest: High-redshift quasars, AGN feedback, dwarf galaxies and their (S)MBH, ultraluminous infrared galaxies

Weizhe joins Steward in August 2022 as a JWST Arizona/Steward Postdoc in Early galaxies and Reionization (JASPER) Scholar working with Xiaohui Fan. His PhD thesis explores AGN feedback via fast outflows in both ultraluminous infrared galaxies and dwarf galaxies. As a JASPER scholar, he is using JWST imaging, spectroscopy, and imaging spectroscopy of reionization-era quasars to investigate the properties of quasar host galaxies at z>6.5 and examine the quasar-driven outflows and feedback in them. He is also interested in exploring outflows of quasars at lower redshift and hunting for low mass AGN in the early universe. Weizhe received his PhD in 2022 from the University of Maryland.