Daniel Krolikowski

Daniel Krolikowski

Research Associate
Ph.D., Astronomy, 2022, The University of Texas at Austin

https://dkrolikowski.github.ioAreas of Interest: Young stars and exoplanets, stellar activity, Star and Planet Formation, precision radial velocity methods, Astronomical Software

Danny joined Steward Observatory in September 2022 to work with Dr. Chad Bender and the teams for the NEID and HPF precision radial velocity spectrometers. His work focuses on the NEID data reduction and analysis software, and his research interests include young planetary systems and stellar magnetic activity. He completed a Ph.D. at the University of Texas at Austin in 2022 where he worked on a variety of topics including star formation, stellar spectroscopy, and using precision radial velocity measurements to search for young planets and understand stellar activity. Danny is interested in combining data across wavelength to understand stellar activity noise and characterize young planets across time to map their formation and evolution pathways.