Sean Linden
Sean Linden

Peter A. Strittmatter Fellow, Postdoctural Research Associate
PhD, 2020, University of Virginia
Sean received his PhD in 2020 from the University of Virginia working with Dr. Aaron Evans and Dr. Eric Murphy at the NRAO. He was most recently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Massachusetts Amherst working with Dr. Daniela Calzetti on identifying and characterizing embedded star clusters in nearby galaxies with JWST. Sean's primary research interest is studying star clusters and HII regions, their corresponding molecular gas structures, and the subsequent stellar feedback processes which affect the surrounding ISM. To accomplish this, he utilizes observations of obscured (radio/submm and near-infrared) and unobscured (UV/optical) star-forming regions in both normal and luminous infrared galaxies in the local Universe. Ultimately, the goal is to establish the importance these extreme star-forming environments have on the formation and evolution of massive stellar clusters throughout cosmic time. When Sean is not doing science, he can often be found playing volleyball or hiking around Tucson with his dog.