Spring 2025
The Search for the Most Distant Galaxies02/13/2025 - Marcia Rieke - University of Arizona |
JWST Debris Disks: Transforming our Understanding of Exoplanetary Systems01/23/2025 - Christine Chen - STScI |
01/18/2024 - Mathieu Renzo - University of Arizona |
01/25/2024 - Thomas Baumgarte - Bowdoin College/University of Arizona |
02/1/2024 - Eric Huff - JPL Precision measurement and machine-assisted discovery in the next generation of cosmological surveys |
02/8/2024 - Shivam Pandey - Columbia Cosmology and astrophysics from field level inference of multi-probe observations |
02/15/2024 - Viraj Pandya - Columbia Galaxies Going Bananas: The Surprising 3D Geometry of High Redshift Dward Galaxies from JWST |
02/22/2024 - Chirag Modi - Flatiron Institute |
02/29/2024 - ChangHoon Hahn - Princeton |
03/14/2024 - Peter Melchior - Princeton |
03/21/2024 - David Hogg - NYU |
03/28/2024 - Tanmoy Laskar - University of Utah |
04/14/2024 - Enrique Lopez Rodriguez - KIPAC |
04/18/2024 - Alice Shapley - UCLA The JWST Revolution in Galaxy Formation: A Spectroscopic Perspective |
04/24/2024 - Stephanie Juneau - NOIRLab |
09/21/2023 - University of Arizona Post Doc Speakers: Emma Beasor, Leonardo Krapp & Nicole Melso |
09/28/2023 - Kayhan Gultekin - University of Michigan |
10/5/2023 - Shubham Kanodia - Carnegie EPL |
10/12/2023 - Xiaoshan Huang - U Virginia |
10/19/2023 - Marion Dierickx - Harvard-Smithsonian Center |
11/9/2023 - Pierre Kervella - Observatoire de Paris |
11/16/2023 - Ray Carlberg - University of Toronto |
01/19/2023 - Dr. Ezequiel Treister - Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile The Long Term Time Variability and Triggering of Supermassive Black Hole Growth |
02/9/2023 - Dr. Matteo Cantiello - Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute |
02/16/2023 - Dr. Meredith Joyce - CSFK Konkoly Observatory |
02/23/2023 - Dr. Tamara Bogdanovic - Georgia Institute of Technology From Kiloparsec Scales to a Merger: Properties of Dual AGNs that Become Gravitational Wave Sources |
02/24/2023 - Dr. Ylva Goetberg - Carnegie Observatories The Discovery of the Missing Population of Massive Stars Stripped in Binaries |
03/02/2023 - Dr. Kate Whitaker - UMass Amherst |
03/03/2023 - Dr. Mathieu Renzo - Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute Explosive Connections Between Massive Binaries and Stellar Transients |
03/14/2023 - Dr. Anna Rosen - University of California, San Diego Revealing the Dynamic Birth & Evolution of Massive Stars & Massive Star Clusters |
03/16/2023 - Dr. Mara Salvato - Max Planck Institute (MPE) |
03/30/2023 - Dr. Hans-Walter Rix - Max Planck Institute of Astronomy (MPIA) |
Dr. David Hogg - New York University
04/24/2023 - Dr. Garreth Martin & Dr. Jinhee Lee - Steward Observatory Thursday, April 27th, 2023 - 3:30 pm |
09/1/2022 - Dr. Chi-kwan Chan - Steward Observatory, The University of Arizona Resolving the Galactic Center Black Hole with the Event Horizon Telescope |
09/22/2022 - Dr. Jerry Sellwood - Steward Observatory, The University of Arizona |
10/6/2022 - Dr. Ji Wang - The Ohio State University |
10/13/2022 - Dr. Nora Lützgendorf - European Space Agency / Space Telescope Science Institute Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in Globular Clusters - An Overview |
10/20/2022 - Dr. Shani Chatterjee - Cornell University Recent progress in understanding the enigmatic Fast Radio Bursts |
10/27/2022 - Dr. Karin Sandstrom - University of California, San Diego Early Science from the “Physics at High Angular Resolution in Nearby Galaxies” JWST Treasury |
11/3/2022 - Dr. Ryan Lau - NSF's NOIRLab |
11/10/2022 - Dr. Jay Farihi - University College London |
11/17/2022 - Dr. Rebecca Charbonneau - National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) |
12/1/2022 - Dr. Ryan Terrien - Carleton College |
12/8/2022 - Dr. Shazrene Mohamed - University of Miami |
01/27/2022 - Dr. Blakesley Burkhurt - Rutgers University, Physics & Astronomy Turbulent Beginnings: A Predictive Theory of Star Formation in the Interstellar Medium |
02/10/2022 - Dr. Thales Gutcke - Princeton University, Astrophysical Sciences LYRA: Dwarf Galaxies on Small Scales in a Cosmological Context |
02/17/2022 - Dr. Gwen Rudie - Carnagie Observatories |
02/24/2022 - Dr. Alex Drlica-Wagner - University of Chicago / Fermilab Small Galaxies, Big Science: Fundamental Physics from the Faintest Galaxies |
03/22/2022 - Dr. Emily Martin - University of California, Santa Cruz Exoplanet and Solar System Synergies Through Novel Instrumentation and Observations |
03/31/2022 - Dr. Nia Imara - University of California, Santa Cruz Before the Stars |
04/07/2022 - Dr. Manos Chatzopoulos - Louisiana State University, Physics & Astronomy Unlocking the Properties of Interaction-Powered Supernovae with Detailed Line Profile Modeling |
04/14/2022 - Dr. Gurtina Besla - The Universtiy of Arizona, Steward Observatory Astro2020 Appendix N: The State of the Profession and Societal Impacts |
04/28/2022 - Dr. Elisa Quintana - NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center Multiwavelength Characterization of Exoplanets and their Host Stars |
05/5/2022 - Dr. Valentina D'Orazi - L'INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova |
09/02/21: Ylva Goetberg, Carnagie Science Observatories
"Stars Stripped in Binaries: From Theory to Observation"
09/09/21: Kaitlin Rasmussen, University of Michigan
"A Multi-faceted Approach to Constraining the Drake Equation: The Past, Present, and Future of the Search for Life"
09/16/21: Jasleen Matharu, Texas A&M University
09/23/21: Vivian Miranda, The University of Arizona
"The Connected Universe: Relating Early, Intermediate and Late Universe with cosmological data"
10/07/21: David Reinecke, Princeton University
"Big Science, Large Projects, Huge Costs"
10/14/21: Joe Burchett, New Mexico State University
"Towards connecting galaxy gas reservoirs, quenching, and the Cosmic Web"
10/21/21: Christopher Mankovich, California Institute of Technology
"Unlocking planetary seismology using Saturn's rings"
10/28/21: Mirjana Povic, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía
"Astronomy for attaining sustainable development goals in Africa"
11/04/21: Meredith Rawls, University of Washington
"Satellite constellations, astronomy, and the future of our sky"
11/18/21: Laura Lopez, The Ohio State University
"The Importance and Challenges of Assessing Stellar Feedback"
12/02/21: Manoj Kaplinghat, University of California - Irvine
"Dark Matter Self-Interaction and its Impact on Galaxies"
12/09/21: Duncan Lorrimer, West Virgina University
"Fast Radio Bursts -- An Evolving Cosmic Mystery"
01/14/21: Kate Daniel, Bryn Mawr College:
"What Sets the Efficiency of Radial Migration is Spiral Galaxies?"
01/21/21: Scott Tremaine, Institute for Advanced Study, Univeristy of Toronto:
"Comets, Unseen Planets, and Interstellar Visitors"
02/04/21: Sebastian Hoenig, University of Southampton UK:
"Active Galactic Nuclei, Impact of Interferometry"
02/18/21: Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, University of New Hampshire:
"Large Scale Structure from Microphysics"
02/25/21: Kevin Bundy, University of California-Santa Cruz:
"Mapping the Lives and Deaths of 10,010 Nearby Galaxies with MaNGA"
03/04/21: Michele Bannister, University of Canterbury:
"Interstellar Worlds: New Insights on Planetary Systems
03/18/21: Kathryn Neugent, University of Washington
"The Binary Fraction of Red Supergiants"
04/01/21:Jennifer Marshall, Texas A&M University
"The future of massively multiplexed spectroscopy: the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer"
04/08/21: Bob Benjamin, University of Wisconsin- Whitewater
"Three New Things about the Milky Way"
04/15/21: Sarita Brown, Excelencia in Education
"Today’s Faculty = Scholars, Teachers, and Equity Practitioners"
04/22/21: Cora Dvorkin, Harvard:
"Discovering New Physics with Cosmological Data Sets"
05/06/21: Andy Chaikin
8/27/20: Maura McLaughlin, University of West Virginia:
"The NANOGrav 12.5-Year Data Set: New Insights into Galaxy Growth and Evolution"
9/10/20: Emma Beasor, NSF NOIR Lab:
"The Evolution Of Red Supergiants To Supernova"
9/17/20: Brian Williams, Goddard:
"High-resolution X-ray Spectroscopy: Science with XRISM"
9/24/20: Monika Soraisam, University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign:
"Big-Data Rush: Mining Time-Domain Data of Local Stellar Populations"
10/1/20: Dimitrios Psaltis, Steward Observatory:
"A New Test of General Relativity with the Event Horizon Telescope"
10/8/20: Amy Reines, Montana State University:
"Supermassive Black Holes in Dwarf Galaxies"
10/15/20: Laura Mayorga, Johns Hopkins University:
"The Solar System Laboratory and Beyond"
10/29/20: Matthew Madhavacheril, Perimeter Institute:
"Mapping the Cosmic Mass and Gas Distribution Using the Arcminute-Resolution Microwave Sky"
11/12/20: Anthony Pullen, New York University:
"Line Intensity Mapping: Modeling & Analysis in the Precision Era"
11/19/20: Kirk Barrow, Stanford University:
"Using High-Cadence Synthetic Observations to Unlock a New Era in Astrophysics"
12/3/20: Dara Norman, NSF NOIR Lab
"Advancing the Inclusion Revolution"
12/10/20: Jessie Christiansen, IPAC/CalTech
3/5/20: Duncan Brown, Syracuse University:
What Have we Learned about Binary Neutron Stars Since the Discovery of GW170817?
2/13/20: Carolyn Raithel, Steward Observ.:
Constraining the Neutron Star Equation of State with Gravitational Wave Events
12/12/19: Keith Hawkins, UT Austin:
Galactic Archaeology in the Era of Gaia
12/5/19: David Wilner, Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian:
New Views of Debris Disks
11/14/19: Jessica Werk, Univ. of Washington:
A Colossal Galaxy Adventure
11/7/19: Chien-Hsiu Lee, NSF's OIR Lab:
Time-domain Astronomy: From Exoplanets to Cosmology
10/24/19: Chad Trujillo, NAU:
The Search for an Undiscovered Giant Planet in our Solar System
10/17/19: Jorge Moreno, Pomona:
The Evolution of the Interstellar Medium in Merging Galaxies
10/3/19: Diana Dragomir, Univ. of New Mexico:
Highlights from TESS’ First Bright Year and Future Plans
9/26/19: Jennifer Johnson, Ohio State Univ.:
Outstanding Questions in the Origin of the Elements
9/19/19: Christina Williams, Steward Observ.:
The View of Early Massive Galaxies in the Run Up to JWST
9/12/19: Taran Esplin, Steward Observ.:
Searching for the Stellar and Substellar Members of Star-forming Regions
9/5/19: Daniela Huppenkothen, Univ. of Washington:
Data Science Challenges in Time Domain Astronomy: Building Methods, Tools and Communities
4/25/19: Adam Kraus, Univ. of Texas:
The Impact of Binary Stars on Planetary Systems
4/11/19: Siyi Xu, Gemini Observ.:
Planetary Systems around White Dwarfs
4/4/19: Brian Fields, Univ. of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign:
When Stars Attack! Near-Earth Supernova Explosions Revealed by Deep-Ocean and Lunar Radioactivity
3/28/19: Steven Finkelstein, Univ. of Texas:
Implications of Reionizing the Universe with Low Galaxy Escape Fractions
3/21/19: Hervé Dole, Univ. of Paris-South, at Orsay:
Protoclusters of Galaxies: From Planck to the Euclid and JWST Era
3/14/19: Robert Nikutta, NOAO:
Parsec-Scale Obsuration in Active Galactic Nuclei
2/28/19: Guy Perrin, Observatoire de Paris:
First Explorations of Sgr A* at the Event Horizon Scale and First Tests of General Relativity with GRAVITY
2/14/19: Jenny Greene, Princeton:
Dwarf Galaxies and Their Black Holes
2/7/19: Molly Peeples, STScl:
Galaxies and the Circumgalactic Medium
1/31/19: Gloria Delgado Inglada, UNAM:
Gas and Dust in Planetary Nebulae
1/17/19: Rachel Mandelbaum, CMU:
Cosmology with the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Survey
12/6/2018: Adrian Price-Whelan, Princeton:
The Dynamic Milky Way in the Gaia Era
11/29/2018: Irene Shivaei, Steward Observ.:
Stellar and Dust Content of Galaxies at High Redshifts
11/15/2018: Brian Nord, Fermilab:
AI in the Sky: Implications and Challenges for Artificial Intelligence in Astrophysics and in Society
11/8/2018: Erik Petigura, Caltech:
Formation and Erosion of Small Planet Cores and Envelopes
11/1/2018: Sebastiaan Krijt, Steward Observ.:
Understanding Dust Coagulation and Volatile Evolution in Planet-Forming Disks
10/18/2018: Karen Meech, Univ. of Hawaii:
The Story of 1l/'Oumuamua, the First Visitor from Another Solar System
10/11/2018: Deirdre Shoemaker, Georgia Tech.:
Black Holes Across the Gravitational Wave Sky
10/4/2018: Cara Battersby, UConn:
The Milky Way Laboratory
9/6/2018: Rob Kennicutt, Steward Observ.:
The Schmidt Law at Sixty
8/23/18: Bradley Johnson, Columbia:
Looking Beyond the Horizon of Our Universe
5/3/2018: Eric Agol, Univ. of Washington:
Characterizing the TRAPPIST-1 System
4/19/2018: Alessandra Corsi, Texas Technology:
Radio and GW Observations of the Transient Sky: GW170817 and Future Prospects
3/22/2018: Dan Weisz, UC Berkeley:
Low-Mass Galaxies in the Early Universe
3/15/2018: Claudia Mendes de Oliveira, Univ. of Sal Paulo:
New Multi-Color Surveys- An IFU-Like Data Cube of the Nearby Universe
3/14/2018: Nicole Cabrera Salazar:
Our Complicity in the Leaky Pipeline
3/1/2018: Rachel Friesen, NRAO:
The Green Bank Ammonia Survey: Probing the Evolution of Star-Forming Regions from Filaments to Cores
2/22/2018: Jordan Stone, Steward:
Constraining the Formation and Evolution of Exoplanets with LBTI
2/15/2018: Sally Oey, Univ. of Michigan:
Toward Understanding Feedback from Local Lyman Continuum Emitting Galaxies
2/1/2018: Ryan Chornock, Ohio Univ.:
GW170817: A Golden Neutron Star Merger
1/25/2018: Katey Alatalo, Carnegie/STScl:
The Life-Cycle of Gas in Dying Galaxies
1/18/2018: Aaron Meisner, LBNL:
Mapping the Universe in Search of Nearby Worlds
11/30/2017: Jillian Bellovary, AMNH & Queens:
Multimessenger Signatures of Massive Black Holes in Dwarf Galaxies
11/9/2017: Joseph Silk, IAP:
The Limits of Cosmology
10/26/2017: Ethan Vishniac, JHU:
Dynamos - How do they work?
10/12/2017: Jessica Lu, UC Berkeley:
Black Holes, Big and Small - A Laser-Guided Adaptive Optics View
10/5/2017: Jeremiah Murphy, FSU:
How Do Massive Stars Die?
9/28/2017: Dan Kelson, Carnegie:
Gravity + Noise
9/21/2017: Chad Bender, Steward:
The Search for Earth-Twins with a New Generation of Doppler Spectrometers
9/14/2017: Courtney Dressing, UC Berkeley:
Exploring Planetary Systems Orbiting Cool Dwarfs
5/04/2017: Iair Arcaivi, LCOGT:
New Ways of Doing Time Domain Astronomy: Supernovae, TDEs and Beyond
4/27/2017: Simon Hodgkin, Cambridge:
Mapping the Transient Sky with Gaia
4/13/2017: Tabetha Boyajian, LSU:
Sizing up the Stars
4/06/2017: Jay Farihi, UCL:
Exoplanetry Archaeology: Observing the Fossil Record of Rocky Planetary Systems
3/30/2017: Simeon Bird, Cambridge:
Cosmology, Gas Around Galaxies, and Primordial Black Holes
3/09/2017: Ilsedore Cleeves, Harvard:
From Disks to Planets Through the Astrochemical Lens
3/07/17: Jennifer van Saders, Princeton:
Making Sense of Stellar Rotation Observed with Kepler: Gyrochronology, Magnetism, and a Sun in Transition
2/27/2017: Blakesley Burkhart, Harvard:
New Diagnostics of MHD Turbulence: From Galaxies to Galaxy Clusters
2/16/2017: Ondrej Pejcha, Princeton Univ:
Cool and Luminous Outbursts from Merging Binary Stars
2/14/17: Mark Dijkstra, Univ. of Oslo:
Probing Feedback with the Lya Emission Line
2/09/2017: Peter Behroozi, UC Berkeley:
Maximizing Inference from Galaxy Observations
2/02/2017: Alan Stern, SWRI:
The Pluto System as Explored by New Horizons
1/19/2017: Erika Hamden, CalTech:
Observing the Faint Universe in Emission
12/01/2016: Maxwell Moe, Steward:
The Formation and Evolution of Binary Stars
11/17/2016: Evgenya Shkolnik, ASU: (Link coming soon)
11/10/2016: Jon Mauerhan, Berkeley:
Tracing the Shapes of Supernovae with Spectropolarimetry
11/03/2016: Stella Offner, UMass Amherst:
The Impact of Stellar Feedback on Star Cluster Formation
10/20/2016: David Schlegel, LBNL:
DESI and Beyond: Design Considerations for Massive Redshift Surveys
10/06/2016: Rachel Street, LCOGT:
Exoplanets in the 4th Dimension - lessons learned from time domain follow-up
09/29/2016: Mariska Kriek, Berkeley:
Reconstructing the Formation Histories of Massive Galaxies
9/22/2016: Robin Dong, Steward:
Introducing a New Field: Observational Planet Formation
9/15/2016: Gail Zasowski, JHU:
New Tools for Galactic Archaeology from the Milky Way
9/08/2016: Kevin Hainline, Steward:
Hunting for Monsters: Selecting and Understanding Active Galactic Nuclei in the Infrared
9/01/2016: Omer Blaes, UCSB:
Confronting MHD Theories of Accretion Disks with Observations of Dwarf Novae
5/05/16: Doug Finkbeiner, Harvard:
Mapping Galactic Dust in 3 Dimensions with Pan-STARRS1 and 2 MASS
4/28/16: Scott Tremaine, IAS:
Three Problems in Exoplanet Dynamics
4/21/16: Christoph Baranec, University of Hawaii:
Robo-AO and the Rapid Transient Surveyor
4/14/16: Patrick Kelly, UC Berkeley:
The Multiply Imaged Strongly Lensed Supernova Refsdal
4/07/16: Fabienne Bastein, Pennsylvania State University
Convention in Cool Stars, as Revealed through Stellar Brightness Variations
3/31/16: Dawn Erb, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Low Mass Galaxies and their Gas at the Peak Epoch of Star Formation
3/24/16: Anders Johansen, Lund University
Forming Planets in Protoplanetary Discs
3/10/16: Julie Comerford, University of Colorado-Boulder
AGN Triggering in Galaxy Mergers as Traced by Dual AGN and Offset AGN
3/03/16: Mary Putman, Columbia University
Gas Flows at Various Astronomucical Scales
2/25/16: Marcia Rieke, Steward
NIRCam: Your Next Near-Infrared Camera in Space
2/18/16: Nuria Calvet, University of Michigan
Pre-Main Sequence Accretion Revisited, What Does it Tell Us About Disk Structure and Evolution?
2/11/16: Wen-Fai Fong, Steward
Setting the Stage for the Era of Gravitational Wave Discovery
2/04/16: Yashar Hezavehe, Stanford
Detection of a Dark Matter Subhalo with ALMA Observations of Gravitational Lenses
1/28/16: Stefano Valenti, LCOGT
The Progenitor of Supernovae in the Era of Wife-field Surveys
1/21/16: Ian McGreer, Steward
Growing Supermassive Black Holes at High Redshift
11/12/15: Jessica Werk, UCSC
Why the Invisible Reservoir of Gas Around Galaxies Counts in Galaxy Evolution
11/05/15: Federica Bianco, NYU
Explosions in my Data
10/29/15: Nitya Kallivayalil, Univ. of Virginia
Proper Motions in Local Group: Next Generation Astrometry
10/22/15: Vasily Belokurov, Cambridge, UK
Marc Aaronson Memorial Lecture
10/15/2015: Alex Parker, SWRI
Exploring the Worlds Beyond Neptune
10/08/2015: Phil Hinz, Steward
The Hunt for Observable Signatures of Terrestrial Planetary Systems (HOSTS): LBTI's Key Survey
10/01/2015: Hilke Schlichting, MIT
Crash, Boom, Bang: Giant Impacts & The Formation of Planets at Home and Abroad
9/24/15: Chris Matzner, Univ. of Toronto
Star Cluster Formation: A Battle Between Mass Accretion and Stellar Feedback
9/17/15: Eduardo Rozo, NOAO
RedMapper and RedMagic: Enabling Cluster and LSS Science in Photometric Surveys
9/10/15: Daniel McIntosh, Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City
Galactic Capitalism: The Buildup of a Bimodal Galaxy Population
9/03/15: David Jewitt, UCLA
The Active Asteroids
8/27/15: Evan Kirby, Caltech
Light-ish Elements in Dwarf Galaxies: The enigmas of Lithium, Carbon, Magnesium, and More
4/23/15: Rachel Bezanson
The Surprisingly Complex Lives of Massive Galaxies and the Stability of the Mass Fundamental Plane
4/16/15: Jacqueline Hodge, NRAO
Revealing the gas-star formation connection over cosmic time
4/09/15: Bhuvnesh Jain, University of Pennsylvania
Lensing and Large-Scale Structure in the Dark Energy Survey
3/26/15: Roman Rafikov, Princeton
Signposts of Planetary Systems Around Evolved Stars
3/12/15: Charles Gammie, University of Illinois
Slow food for black holes
3/5/15: Mark Sykes, PSI
Dawn at Ceres
2/19/15: Anja von der Linden, Stanford
Weighing the Giants: Accurate Galaxy Cluster Masses for Cosmology
2/12/15: Ryan Foley, University of Illinois
The Most Common "Peculiar" Supernova
2/05/15: Susan Kassin, STScI
The Formation of Disk Galaxies
1/29/15: Stan Owocki, Universtiy of Delaware
Magnetospheres of Magnetic Massive Stars
1/22/15: Robert Lupton, Princeton
What can LSST learn from SDSS and HSC?
12/11/14: Keivan Stassun, Vanderbilt University
Advances in Stellar Astrophysics, Solar Physics, and Exoplanet Science with Large Surveys
12/04/14: Bruce Draine, Princeton
Andromeda's Dust
11/20/14: Karin I. Öberg, Harvard University
The Chemistry of Planet Formation
11/13/14: Alis Deason, UCO/Lick
Rethinking Galactic Architecture: Clues from Satellites and Destroyed Dwarfs
10/23/14: Sangeeta Malhotra, ASU
[CII] emission line as tracer of ISM in galaxies near and far.
10/16/14: Andrew MacFadyen, New York University
The Dynamics, Stability and Radiation of GRB Jets *Note, cuts off before ending
10/09/14: Andrej Prsa, Villanova University
Unprecedented accuracy in the fundamental parameters of stars from multiple stellar systems
10/02/14: Paul Goldsmith, JPL
Tracing the Interstellar Medium and Star Formation with [CII] and CO
09/18/14: Andrew Skemer
Imaging Exoplanets with the LBT
09/04/14: Ori Fox, Berkeley
Constraining Supernova Progenitors That We Never Saw
05/01/14: Matthias Steinmetz, Leibniz-Institut fuer Astrophysik Potsdam
Large Spectroscopic Surveys and the Chemo-Dynamical Evolution of the Milky Way
04/24/14: Graduating Astronomy Major Research Symposium
Undergrad Research Colloquium
04/17/14: Rita Mann, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics
The Potential to Form Planets in the Orion Nebula: The ALMA Perspective
04/10/14: Ian McLean, UCLA
Development and Performance of MOSFIRE, the muti-object spectrometer for infrared exploration at Keck Observatory
04/03/14: John Kormendy, UT Austin
Supermassive Black Holes: Coevolution (Or Not) of Black Holes and Host Galaxies
03/27/14: Antonela Monachesi, Michigan
Testing Stellar Halo Formation Models with the GHOSTS Survey
03/13/14: Armin Rest, STSci
An Astronomical Time Machine: Light Echoes from Historic Supernovae and Stellar Eruptions
02/27/14: Alice Shapley, UCLA
Rest-frame Optical Spectra: A Window into Galaxy Formation at z~2
02/20/14: Stephanie Juneau
The Fueling of Black Holes in Galaxies from Cosmic Noon till Dusk
02/13/14: Andrew Youdin, Bok Fellow, Steward Observatory
The Origin of Solar and Extrasolar Planets
02/06/14: Karin Sandstrom, Bok Fellow, Steward Observatory
The Connection between Star Formation and the Cold Interstellar Medium in Nearby Galaxies
01/30/14: Anil Seth, Univ. of Utah
Finding and Forming Star Clusters in Andromeda
1/23/14: David Stevenson, CalTech
Origin of the Moon
1/16/14: Henry Ferguson, STScI
CANDELS: Observing Galaxy Assembly
12/05/13: Dr. Nick Konidaris, CalTech
The SED Machine
11/21/13: Edo Berger, Harvard University
Short Gamma-Ray Bursts and the Electromagnetic Counterparts of Gravitational Wave Sources
11/14/13: Robert Quimby, Kavli IPMU
Unusually Bright Supernovae
11/07/13: Josh Grindlay, Harvard
Black Hole Variability on Days-to-Century Timescales
10/31/13: Alan Dressler, Carnegie Observatories
Infalling groups and galaxy evolution in the IMACS Cluster Building Survey
10/24/13: Meredith Hughes, Wesleyan University
Planet Formation through Radio Eyes
10/17/13: Fiona Harrison, Caltech
First Results From The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) High-Energy X-ray Mission
10/10/13: Desika Narayanan, Steward Observatory
Four Myths about Galaxies in the Era of ALMA
9/26/13: Alicia Soderberg, Harvard
Supernova Forensics
9/19/13: Eric F. Bell, University of Michigan
The effects and importance of galaxy merging in a cosmological context
9/19/13: George Becker, Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge
Insights into Cosmic Reionization from the Evolution of the UV Background
Jan. 17: Knut Olsen, NOAO
"A Stellar Heist in the Magellanic Clouds"
Jan. 24: Marc Kuchner, NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center
"What can images of dusty debris disks tell us about extrasolar planets"
Feb. 4: Dave Arnett, Steward Observatory
Henry Norris Russell Lecture
"Computers and Thinking"
Feb. 7: Christian Ott, Cal Tech
"Core-Collapse Supernovae and Neutron Star Mergers:Cosmic Laboratories for Extreme Physics"
Feb. 11: Chris Carilli, NRAO, Charlottesville
"Cool Gas in the Distant Universe"
Feb. 18: Rob Simcoe, MIT Kavli Institute
"Advances in Infrared Instruments and Characterization of the z > 5 Universe"
Feb. 21: Kevin France, University of Colorado
"Current and Future Space Instruments for the Study of Protoplanetary Disks and Exoplanetary Atmospheres: Hubble and Beyond" Only first half is available
Feb. 25: Claude-Andre Faucher-Giguere, UC Berkeley
"The Physics of Galaxy Formation: Gas, Stars, & Black Holes"
March 7: Gurtina Besla, Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory
"Local Group Dynamics and Implications for Dwarf Galaxy Evolution and Near Field Cosmology"
March 19: Matt Walker, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Galactic Dynamics and the Nature of Dark Matter
March 21: Dan Stark, Steward Observatory
Early Star Forming Galaxies and Cosmic Reionization
March 25: Kaitlin Kratter, University of Colorado/JILA
Looking Forward: Binaries and their Planets*no audio*
March 28: Michael Boylan-Kolchin, UC Irvine
Near-Field Cosmology: Big Science From Small Galaxies*no audio*
April 2: Selma de Mink, Space Telescope Science Institute/Johns Hopkins
Live fast, die young - The Evolution of Massive Stars towards their Death: Rotation, Binarity and Mergers
April 25: Joey Richards, UC Berkeley
Astronomical Discovery and Classification for the Synoptic Survey Era
April 29: Herve Dole, IAS Orsay
Overview of Planck Cosmology Results and Selected Topics on Galaxies and Clusters
May 2: Crystal Martin, UCSB
Demographics and Physical Properties of Galactic Gas Flows at 0.4 < z < 2.0
Sept. 13: Dan Stark, Steward Observatory
"Early Star Forming Galaxies and Reionization"
Sept. 20: Karl Stapelfeldt, NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center
"Debris Disks as Tracers of Nearby Planetary Systems"
Sept 27: Jenny Greene, Princeton
"Galaxy Nuclei, Galaxy Outskirts"
Oct. 4: Maryam Modjaz, NYU
"Stellar Forensics with Explosions: Supernovae, Gamma-Ray Bursts, and their Environments"
Oct. 11: Josh Winn, MIT
"Spin-Orbit Interactions for Exoplanetary Systems"
Only the first 17 minutes are available
Oct. 25: Jason X Prochaska, UCO/Lick Observatory
"Quasars Probing Quasars: Clues to AGN Feedback and the Formation of Massive Galaxies"
Nov. 8: Lars Bildsten, UCSB
"Diverse Energy Sources for Stellar Explosions"
Nov. 15: Pieter van Dokkum, Aaronson Lecture
"The formation of massive galaxies"
Nov. 29: Richard Ellis, Cal Tech
"Obesity in the Universe: Why Did Early-Type Galaxies Grow in Size?"