The Theoretical Astrophysics Program (TAP) is an interdisciplinary program designed to foster scientific, academic, and programmatic connections among scientists leading theoretical, computational, and/or data-intensive research in the Astronomy, Physics, and Planetary Sciences departments at UArizona. TAP hosts an active Theory Colloquium series, six TAP Research Initiatives, a Lectureship series, an annual graduate student research prize competition, and a student travel grant program.
The TAP Initiatives include six interdisciplinary initiatives to focus scientific discussions and advance large proposal development efforts involving multiple scientists across Astronomy, Physics, Planetary Science, and relevant partnering departments, institutes, centers, units, and interdisciplinary programs. The Initiatives include: Computation and Data, Cosmology, Dynamics, Gravity, Planet Formation and Plasma Physics.
The TAP Lectureship features visiting theorists who are experts in one of the TAP Initiative research areas. TAP Lecturers visit for up to two weeks during which time they meet with research groups and give a TAP Lecture.
Each semester the TAP Colloquia feature speakers working across all fields of theoretical astrophysics to share their current research. Along with providing a one-hour colloquium, each speaker also meets with faculty and students while on campus to discuss research more in depth.
UArizona faculty, postdocs, and students working across all areas of theoretical astrophysics are encouraged to join the TAP email list and invited to become a TAP member.
The TAP colloquia and visitor schedule, plus other information is available on the TAP website. Gurtina Besla (Steward Observatory) is the TAP Chair. Audra White is the TAP administrator.