Miriam Keppler
Miriam Keppler
Research Associate

Ph.D. , 2020, University of Heidelberg
Areas of Interest: Multiwavelength Spectroscopy, Exoplanets & Planet Formation, Astronomical Software & Pipeline development
Miriam joined Steward Observatory in 2022 to become part of the Hamden UV lab. There, she leads the development of a data reduction and analysis pipeline for the Aspera SmallSat Mission. Miriam's research interests include multi-wavelength spectroscopic observations from the UV to the sub-millimeter in connection to protoplanetary disks and planet formation, as well as the characterization of the terrestrial UV background. She received her PhD from the University of Heidelberg in 2020, where she worked on the detection and characterization of newly formed exoplanets with VLT/SPHERE and ALMA.