Irene Shivaei

Irene Shivaei

Assistant Research Professor, Steward Observatory

Irene Shivaei earned her Ph.D. at UC Riverside, advised by Professor Naveen Reddy. Her work is part of the MOSDEF project to use the multi-object near-infrared spectrograph MOSFIRE on the Keck I Telescope to study the high redshift (z~2) Universe. She has focused on determining accurate star formation rates, comparing estimates from H alpha and H beta with those from infrared measurements, and on the behavior of the mid-infrared aromatic bands with metallicity. She will expand this work with JWST, using MIRI GTO data in the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field region. Irene is also involved in outreach, for example as a co-founder of the StarYab astrophysical literature website with weekly discussions of recent astronomy research results in Persian.