Don McCarthy
Don McCarthy

Dr. McCarthy has a passion for combining astronomical research and inquiry-based science education. He pioneered techniques for achieving high angular resolution at infrared wavelengths from both ground- and space-based telescopes by developing new techniques and instrumentation for interferometry, speckle imaging, active tip/tilt correction, and adaptive optics. With these tools, he initiated the direct detection of low mass companions to nearby stars (brown dwarfs), imaged near-infrared emission from the Galactic Center source Sgr A*, resolved circumstellar dust disks around both young and old stars, examined the surface characteristics of asteroids, moons, and Kuiper Belt Objects, and detected atmospheric waves on Pluto. Since 1989, his ongoing Astronomy Camps ( received numerous awards and attracted thousands of teenage students, educators, school groups, and general adults from all U.S. states and 22 countries. These Camps also served as the foundation for the 20-year science education program of NASA's Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam), training hundreds of Girl Scout adult leaders in STEM activities relating to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).
- University Distinguished Outreach Professor (retired 2022)
- Outreach Instructional Specialist III (2022-present)