Jaclyn Champagne

Jaclyn Champagne

JASPER Scholar
Ph.D., 2022, University of Texas at Austin

Areas of Interest: High-redshift quasars, galaxy protoclusters, galaxy formation and evolution in dense environments

Jackie joins Steward in September 2022 as a JWST Arizona/Steward Postdoc in Early galaxies and Reionization (JASPER) Scholar working with Xiaohui Fan. Her multiwavelength research in galaxy cluster environments spans a wide range of redshifts, from epoch of reionization to the cosmic noon, in order to build a cosmological timeline of large scale structure formation. As a JASPER scholar, she is using JWST imaging and spectroscopy of reionization-era quasar fields to investigate the properties of quasar host galaxies and their surrounding companions, searching for confirmation of early protocluster structures associated with the hosts of the most massive SMBHs at z>6.5. Jackie received her PhD in 2022 from the University of Texas at Austin.