Shuo Kong

Shuo Kong

Assistant Professor, Department of Astronomy & Assistant Astronomer, Steward Observatory

Dr. Shuo Kong works on understanding the process of star formation, including the formation of molecular clouds, the stage of protostellar accretion, and stellar feedback. He uses radio telescopes and interferometers to probe the initial conditions of star formation in infrared dark clouds and massive star-forming regions. With high-resolution mm/sub-mm observations, he is looking into the earliest stage of binary star formation in regions with the highest extinction. Recently, Dr. Kong is particularly interested in the interplay between magnetic fields and filamentary gas clouds in the interstellar medium. He uses numerical simulations and high-performance computing clusters to model the interplay and to explain the field topology and dynamics around the clouds. With the help of machine-learning techniques, he analyzes massive data to constrain his theoretical models.

Research Groups
Steward Theory, Data and Computation Group
Research Areas
Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics