Jinyoung Serena Kim
Jinyoung Serena Kim
Research Professor, Steward Observatory

Dr. Kim’s recent research areas include observational studies of:
1) star formation and protoplanetary disk evolution in diverse star forming environments;
especially focusing on UV environments and externally photoevaporating protoplanetary disks
("proplyds”) in Orion star forming regions;
2) accretion and disk winds of young protoplanetary disks from very early phase of
disk evolution to diskless young stars.
3) kinematics of young stars for membership and proplyd lifetime problem;
4) variability of young stars;
5) star formation and disk evolution in star forming reginos in outer galaxies.
Dr. Kim uses multi-wavelength observations using both ground-based and
space telescopes from X-ray to radio wavelengths.
Research Areas
Galactic Astronomy
Stars and Stellar Astrophysics
Star Formation and the Interstellar Medium