Current Bok, & Kuiper Telescope Schedules
Important Note: A Target-of-Opportunity program will be active for observing semesters 2024A&B on all telescopes. This program is among the highest ranked by the Steward Observatory TAC. If you are contacted while observing requesting timely observations of a potential visible counterpart to a gravitational wave event, please collaborate with the research team. Generally, this program has priority over nearly all
other programs ranked by the TAC.
Schedules for 2025A:
Schedules for 2024B:
Swaps of time can be arranged only if all affected parties agree to the changes and additional instrument changes are avoided. Agreements should be finalized before approaching the scheduler with the proposed changes.
Please be aware that for the Bok 90" telescope, uncertainties in the schedule for possibly aluminizing its primary mirror requires that the entire month of September 2024 be considered as "Shared Risk."
To apply for TBS (To Be Scheduled) nights on the Steward Observatory 90" and 61" telescopes, email a request and brief (1 page or less) scientific justification to Dennis Zaritsky, Steward Observatory, University of Arizona at least 21 days prior to the start of the TBS block of nights. Only observers who are currently certified to use the equipment requested will be considered for TBS time. Please identify the certified observer who will be at the telescope for the observations in your request. To avoid confusion and the possibility of your request being lost or forgotten, please try to submit your request no earlier that 2 weeks before the deadline.
UAO TBS time on the MMT is typically assigned after a special call for proposals made by the Steward Observatory TAC.
To apply for TBS nights on the VATT, contact Richard Boyle.
Other Telescope Schedules:
A more detailed MMT schedule. In the case of a discrepancy, the MMTO schedule takes precedence over the schedules linked above.
- The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT)
- Magellan Clay & Baade 6.5m Telescopes
- 2x8.5m LBT
- Arizona Radio Observatory 12m Telescope (on Kitt peak) and Heinrich Hertz SMT (on Mt. Graham)
Past Steward Observatory Telescope Schedules