J. Roger P. Angel
J. Roger P. Angel
Regents' Professor of Astronomy and Optical Sciences
Astronomer, Steward Observatory
Director, Richard F. Caris Mirror Lab

Over the past 25 years Professor Angel has been in the forefront of a technological renaissance in telescopes and large optics. The Richard F. Caris Mirror Lab has made the optics for several telescopes, including the two largest mirrors ever (8.4 m diameter) for the Large Binocular Telescope on Mt. Graham, Arizona and is now making 8.4 m mirrors for the Giant Magellan Telescope and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. Angel has also developed concepts for imaging and searching for primitive life on Earth-like planets orbiting nearby stars. He has explored ways to cool the Earth with a space sunshade, and is now working on concentrating photovoltaic systems for solar energy.
Research Groups
Space Astronomy Concept Group
Research Areas
Adaptive Optics & Interferometry
Design, Testing and Fabrication of Large Optics
Exoplanets & Planets
Instrumentation and Detectors
Solar Energy