Haowen Zhang

Haowen Zhang

B.S., 2018, Peking University

Haowen Zhang is an expert in empirical connections between dark matter halo, galaxies, and supermassive black holes (SMBHs). During his PhD, he developed TRINITY to infer how massive the SMBHs are in different galaxies and halos across cosmic time, as well as how fast these SMBHs have been growing. With TRINITY, Haowen has been collaborating with observers around the world to understand existing data, and to make preparations for next-generation missions, such as Euclid, Roman, and LSST. In addition to galaxy—SMBH connections, Haowen is also interested in galaxy morphologies and kinematics. Since his senior year in college, Haowen has been applying statistical analysis ​to data of both observed and simulated galaxies to investigate how and why galaxy shapes and dynamics changes with their mass and cosmic time.


  • Ph.D., 2024, The University of Arizona